
The Office

This is my office. I just love me some of that bright yellow paint. It's a very warm and inviting room and I don't like leaving it.


Anonymous said...

You have obeyed my request. You may live.

Seriously, though, that is a really nice looking office. And thank you and Scottland for dinner and the drive. It was fun hanging out with normal folks... errr... I mean, non-PA types. ;)

~ Charles

the beastlet said...

i think you missed your calling as an interior designer.

i mean that in a very positive way. you have a great eye for color and layout. and what's another bachelors degree?

helium3 said...

about $50,000 and another four years of my life

But who's counting, right?

thanks for the compliment, however. if you'd like, I'll give you a free consult on your apartment.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, just fake having a degree in design then. Open your own design consultation business, but don't take many clients. That why you can keep working on your book and also you'll become all exclusive and mysterious. Your legend will grow, my friend, to become epic.

~ Morley