Can you guess why I posted these two pictures to my blog?
After we ate lunch at the Bright Angel Lodge and perused the gift shop for swag, we took the "tram" down to the eastern end of the South Rim Village and walked along the rim trail back to the western end of the village, which also had the ice cream shop.
We started the hike about three hours after we had finished the Hermits Rest route. It was interesting to see how the canyon had visually changed. At high noon, the colors had seemed somewhat washed out but you could really see the various layers in the rock strata. As we were rounding into early evening, the colors started to become more intense, but the shadows had merged and expanded and now tended to delineate larger features, like mesas and valleys.
So there are signs posted all over the South Rim Village that tells visitors in no uncertain terms that they are not to feed any of the animals. This includes the squirrels and ravens, no matter how cute they look or how far up your pant leg they climb.
None-the-less, Scottland and I get to the oh-so-convenient snack stand at the end of the Hermits Rest Route and find tons of people sitting around feeding tastey little cheeze doodles to an army of squirrels and a flock (a murder?) of Ravens. I couldn't help but walk through the crowd while loudly (yet conversationally) telling Scottland how stupid people would have to be not to see the signs posted everywhere telling people not to feed the animals.
I did get a cool picture of a raven, though.
The views from Hermits Rest were all sort of the same, but the plants provided attractive framing for the views of the canyon. After we got to this part of the route, the "tram" turned around and went back to the South Rim Village. We could have stopped at Mojave and Hopi point, but decided we'd rather do other things. It was a good choice on our part to make. Besides, when we started to walk the rim trail at 4 PM, the sun had gotten much lower in the sky and the colors were much more striking.
Looking west towards Hermits Rest and the end of the route.
As Scottland pointed out, after a while the overlooks start to all look the same. I think that's what was great about hiking the rim trail and seeing the other two points later in the day. The experiences were all really different.
The cliff/shelf/cliff nature of the walls of the Grand Canyon is a result of layers of easily eroded shale between more resistant layers of sandstone and limestone.
Looking west towards Hermits Rest. Visibility in the Grand Canyon (particularly during the winter) can easily exceed 100 miles. It was 93 miles the day we visited.
A view of the bright angel fault and the trail down to the bottom of the canyon. Hikers are endlessly warned never to try to hike to the bottom of the canyon and back in a single day. The trail is 12 miles long one way
Views from Maricopa Point. There was a ranger here with telescopes set up to allow visitors to view a cave entrance in the canyon wall where a pair of California Condors were known to be nesting. We saw them flying over head, as well as one of their offsrping. One of them flew close enough for us to see the tracking number painted on it's belly.
Riding the "tram" and stopping at the various view points along the Hermit's Rest Route was the first thing we did when we reached the grand canyon. We skipped Mojave and Hopi point and walked from Maricopa to Powell Point. Between Maricopa and Powell is an abandoned Uranium mine that's been fenced off due to high radiation levels around the mine entrance.
While flying to Phoenix we passed right over the top of Mt. Rainier, which was pretty much covered in clouds. Except for a little nub at the top. I took a cool picture of the phenomena. It looks a bit like an island in the clouds.
For the last week of his six week sabbatical, Scottland and I flew to Phoenix. Why Phoenix? Well, mostly because we wanted to go somewhere warm and unfamiliar to either of us. We managed to visit the Grand Canyon, Taliesin West and the Phoenix Botanical Garden. Other than that, we mostly spent time in the pool reading and drinking. I also managed to do some research my book.
The picture is an interesting image of Phoenix and the area to the north of it. It was generated by combining a linear data set from the USGS and an elevation data set generated by some space shuttle mission, whatever that means.