
Le Sigh

Shortly after I posted "clunky panorama" (ie within about 20 minutes) the hard drive in my Dell Inspiron 1000 decided to throw a rod. After much effort and cash I have a "phat" new laptop (Dell Lattitude 820) and an empty hard drive.

Yes, my last file backup (thanks to a CD burner on the fritz and my own laziness) was in March of 2006. All in all, I lost a bunch of D&D related work, a bunch of images from the interweb and my own digi-cam, all prior incarnations of my card game except the prototype deck and the outline and first chapter of my sci-fi book.

Yes. It sucks. But, life goes on and I shall rise to the occasion.

In other news, my "phat" new laptop allows me to play Civ 4, City of Heroes/Villains and I start my "intensive" week long writing course at Hugo House tonight.


MadRyanTM said...

I hope you have learned to back up your important material more often.

Anonymous said...

DaaaAAAaammn! Sorry to hear that.

I went and bought an external hard drive, which I used to back things up here and there. I'd recommend one of them. Plus, when it gives out you can use it as a doorstop.

~ Charles