

Long time no post. Since my last post I have dropped out of graduate school, moved back to Seattle and am now living with my partner, Scottland. In the future, I will attempt to be a published writer of some sort. A more in-depth update will be forthcoming, though I have a hunch that the five or so people that read my blog already know most of the details.

In the meantime, please read this pro-nuclear power article written by the founder of Greenpeace.


James Aach said...

FYI: Stewart Brand, the founder of The Whole Earth Catalog mentioned in the linked article above, has also endorsed a techno-thriller novel of nuclear power by a longtime industry insider (me). This story serves as a lay person's guide to the good and the bad of this power source. (There's plenty of both.) The book is available at no cost to readers at http://RadDecision.blogspot.com - and they seem to like it, judging from their comments on the homepage.

Robert Farley said...


It's my understanding that Patrick Moore has essentially become the Christopher Hitchens or the David Horowitz of the environmental movement; he always begins his articles with "I founded Greenpeace" and uses that as cover for advocating many of the most reactionary of environmental policies.

This doesn't mean that he's wrong about nuclear power; he may well be correct, and I've heard a number of different arguments about it. However, it's not quite right to mention his 70s affiliation without also mentionining his apostasy since that time.

Good to see that you're posting again.

Anonymous said...

Whuh?? No, I didn't know these details already.

Update more frequently or I'll be forced to bitch slap you! Except you'd probably enjoy it. *raises eyebrow*

~ Charles