In other news, before GenCon and the "Big 4nnouncement" Ryan Dancey, ex brand manager (I believe) of Dungeons and Dragons wrote a series of articles relating how he feels cooperative tabletop games (IE RPG's) must change if they are to remain relevant. I was rather shocked to see that many of his thoughts parallel my own. I'm going to post a link to the summary of his five article series. If you want to read the whole thing you can find it in the archives on his blog.
Evolve or Perish
On the one hand it's great to see the thoughts I've been kicking around on the subject validated by someone with a lot more "street-cred." On the other hand it makes me realize that some of this stuff that I thought was quite innovative isn't. Still, reading Mr. Dancey's post helped me crystallize some of my thoughts and I now think I have an idea of what GoatDog Game's first electronic product will be. You know, assuming GoatDog has products one through three and is turning enough of a profit roll money back into R&D.
1 comment:
Happy birthday!!
- Charles
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