I'm pretty confident that the new owners of the place Mikey gets his semi-monthly grooming at are muzzling him. I didn't actually see one on his face, but I certainly know what he sounds like when he's trying to bark but has something in his mouth. I'd wondered if they were muzzling him two visits ago, but I didn't hear him as clearly then as I did yesterday.
Look. I know my dog barks. I know he barks a lot. If they'd come to me first and said, "Your dog barks a lot and we'd like to be able to muzzle him if he's causing a problem." I would have told them "Sure. Just make sure it's not too tight." But no. Instead, they muzzle him without my permission. Then they make a concerted effort to keep me from seeing my dog when he's initially let out of the cage he's been kept in. Finally, when I ask the groomer if they're muzzling my dog, when it's pretty 'effing obvious that I already know they are, she lies to my face and lies poorly at that.
So yeah. Not so happy with the groomers right now. I'm thinking I'll need to find a new one or figure out how to wash the dog myself. Shouldn't be too hard, right? Just need lot's of soap or something.
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