
Stromboli's Blog

I was googling the other day and decided to look up "Stromboli," which is my cat's name. You can imagine my shock and surprise when I found, nestled amongst the typical links to pages about a certain italian volcano, a Blog apparently being maintained in secret by my cat. While I have always known that she was intelligent for a feline, I had no idea that she was THAT smart. Perhaps I'll enroll her in undergraduate studies at UC Davis. It would be fun to be study budies. Here's the first entry in her blog.
This is my blog. I am a beautiful princess. I have two pets, HissGrowl and MeowMeow. I like them both, but MeowMeow is better at serving my needs. I have trained him well. MeowMeow has brought me several other pets as tribute over time. There was Rowwrl, who I remember from my youngest days. For a short time I also had PrrrrGack! and LickSniff. Traitorous attention sluts that they were, they all left. HissGrowl is fairly new and not yet as adept at serving me as I should like. I shall strive to train him to attend my needs as well as MeowMeow does. Perhaps he will not slink away like the others.
I think MeowMeow refers to me, and HissGrowl is my old roommate Bob.

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