I crashed my bike last Monday. Basically, I went around a traffic circle too quickly, with tires that were too bald on pavement that was too wet from a combination of fresh rainfall and summer tree sap. It was nice that a bunch of people ran over to ask if I was okay and offer assistance. It was not nice that I scraped up my left leg and bruised my hip. Here are pictures. These pictures are from Friday night, so almost five days afterwards.

painful. i have luckily been spared such accidents on my bike. mostly because i am paranoid about anyone else on the road and my uber-grip tires
Er, I mean "Ha Ha!"
That takes me back a bit. But you know what I found to be the best remedy for bike scraps? Leeches. Lots and lots of leeches. No, really. I'm not just saying that to get you to try something completely repulsive or anything. Go on... Try it!
PS: And check your bike over. Last time I did something similar, my wheel gave out on me while riding; it just collapsed under while I was riding; but fortunately I avoided another wreck.
~ Charles
Errr... I meant to say, my wheel gave out on me a short while AFTER the initial pavement-hug. The first crash weakened the wheel enough that the rims finally gave up.
~ Charles
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