
Idle Hands Are The Devil's Playthings

So, I'm so not the Devil's Plaything right now, or something. As you can see, there's been a pretty significant drop in the frequency of my posting. Why? Because I'm ridiculously busy with schoolwork. Tomorrow is my first mid-term and it'll be in Statistical Thermodynamics. I think I'll do fairly well on this one. The mid-term the day after, I'm less sure about. That one's advanced engineering mathematics.

I was in Seattle last weekend for the big Halloween Party at the HOF. It was great. Everyone had a good time. I stayed completely sober. Scottland was so cute in his Scooby-Doo outfit. Pictures can be seen here.

That is all for now. Perhaps I'll post more regularly once midterms are done in another week and a half. But I dunno, there's always the omnipresent threat of homework.


the beastlet said...

Had I known you would be in town I would have made an effort to stop by for the party.

I have been accepted into the BFA program at AIS. I start January 9th, should all my finances work out right. Then I will understand your pain. Though not from a statistical thermodynamic way

helium3 said...

Congratulations! That sounds like a lot of fun. What does the program entail?