Glad Tidings
So yeah, I'm sad that I won't be working at the garden nursery anymore but I'm excited to be getting started in my new "profession."
Red Robin Menu Widget

Red Robin has this cool web widget that lets me calculate the nutritional content of items on their menu. I had myself a chicken caeser wrap with an extra side of fries last night. The information about my meal that the widget gave me was as follows:
- Calories: 1634
- Grams Fat: 78
- Grams Fiber: 14
- WW Points: 38
Saturday night I ate the second half of the pint of Ben & Jerry's I bought on Friday night. I've been eating two of those big chocolate chip cookies everyday on my breaks at work. I've been eating like this for the last pretty much since I started my new job. I'm not eating tons of junk food every day, but I'm definitely "splurging" a whole heck of a lot more than I have in the last year.
Here's the rub, though. I've been getting so much exercise from my new job that I've lost weight the last two weeks and there's a good chance that I'll manage to lose weight again next Saturday.
It's kind of crazy. I guess the added bonus of this job is that I can eat a lot more food now than I used to.
What I'm Planting This Year
As far as the previously published yard plan is concerned, I'm only executing a small fraction of it this year. This will likely be the only section I'll ever execute, in fact. I'm a renter and there's just not a lot of incentive to pour time and money into the yard unless I know I'm going to be here long enough to really benefit from the investment.
All I will do is install the vegetable garden and the strip of sunflowers along the southern border of the property. Yesterday, I used my employee discount for the first time to get myself a number of seeds. I purchased:
- Italian Roma Tomatoes
- SMR-58 Pickling Cucumbers
- Tyee Hybrid Spinach
- Waltham 29 Broccoli
- Autum Beauty Sunflowers
- Soybeans
- Russet Norkotah Seed Potatoes
I may plant some strawberries as well. I'll have to decide on those pretty soon if I'm gonna pull the trigger on that one.
Right now, the next step is to lay out the borders of my beds and dig up the sod in those areas. Gosh, sometimes it seems like the only landscaping task I execute with any regularity is digging up sod.
"LA Port Import Traffic Collapses in February"!!!!!!!!
Normally, I'm a big fan of Calculated Risk. I've been reading that blog for quite a few months new. Probably since at least mid-September. That being said, I have a minor quibble with the entry of the above title.
I saw the post's title, looked at the graph and thought, "Oh crap!! Things are getting worse!!" When I got to the list of reasons posted for the decline I immediately latched onto bullet point five for comfort:
Due to the lack of volume and Chinese New Year, Maersk 6700 TEU/week vessel did not make any calls in LA during the month of February (which is traditionally a low volume month).

If you look at the other years displayed on the graph, they "all" have a saw-tooth pattern to them. It's not crazy to assume that sometime in the very near future the derivative of the volume flux through the Port of Los Angeles will switch from negative to positive.
Heh. I just used "derivative" in a sentence.
So yeah, things are worse. That's a big delta from max to min. But, it shouldn't continue going down for at least a little while.
I'd also like to point out that the Loaded Out curve has an uptick in it for the first time since the middle of last year. Is this uptick the result of seasonal adjustment making the graph less accurate (it happens sometimes) or is it an actual uptick? If so, does that mean something? I, for one, would like to know.
Good News
Unemployed No More
Yesterday was my first day of work at a local plant nursery. The job is more physically demanding than I'm used to but more relaxing and satisfying as well. It's nice to have my life back, though I'll need to be as frugal as I was when living in Davis.

In other news, I installed XAMPP on the XP half of "Mikey" (my recently ressurected Dell Inspiron 1000. I still plan to setup a LAMP environment on the Linux partition I created in Mikey's other half.
I had zero trouble installing XAMPP with the exception of the MySQL service. I even downloaded an MD5 checking utility and used it from the command prompt to determine that the downloaded install package was free of errors. A couple of quick google searches and I was able to fix the MySQL service.
Now if only I could figure out how to actually do something with Apache . . .
A Marathon of Milestones
Well, not really. However, since the last time I updated I've completed Milestones 4 through Milestone 6.
After an analysis of a number of click-match games I modified Milestone 7 to be:
(7) Refill empty hex grid cells with randomly colored tiles.
Changing Milestone 7 in this manner has meant I needed to go back through an reqork how some of my code works, but generally I haven't had to code up anything extra.
I'm right in the middle of making some adjustments to the code to get everything to work correctly, but I expect to begin work on Milestone 8 this evening.
This project is progressing very quickly compared to earlier ones. It's only been about three weeks since I started working on it in earnest. Barring employment, I should be done with it by the end of next week.