
A Marathon of Milestones

Well, not really. However, since the last time I updated I've completed Milestones 4 through Milestone 6.

After an analysis of a number of click-match games I modified Milestone 7 to be:

(7) Refill empty hex grid cells with randomly colored tiles.

Changing Milestone 7 in this manner has meant I needed to go back through an reqork how some of my code works, but generally I haven't had to code up anything extra.

I'm right in the middle of making some adjustments to the code to get everything to work correctly, but I expect to begin work on Milestone 8 this evening.

This project is progressing very quickly compared to earlier ones. It's only been about three weeks since I started working on it in earnest. Barring employment, I should be done with it by the end of next week.

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