
Not That It Matters (Since I Don't Live in WA Anymore)

Senator Cantwell,

I'm just writing to let you know that I support Senator Kerry's call to fillibuster Judge Alito. I've been following his nomination from the "blogosphere" and it seems pretty clear to me that the gentleman, while quite intelligent, isn't someone that I want on the Supreme Court of the United States.

With respect to a woman's right to choose (which I strongly support), regardless of the mealy-mouthed non-answers that the judiciary committee allowed him get away with during the confirmation hearings, it's quite clear from his previously stated political (and moral) beliefs that he'll vote in the negative on any case that seeks to preserve a woman's right to choose and in the affirmative on any case that seeks to strip women of said right.

That being said, I'm actually far more concerned about his nomination due to his historical deference to the executive branch in prior cases. Let's face it. We have a President that doesn't really seem to have a lot of respect for the "rule of law" and who seems to think that other two branches of the government exist solely to rubber stamp whatever he decides is best for the country. The last thing this country needs is another judge on the Supreme Court who can be counted on to reflexively vote in favor of further empowering the executive branch whenever possible.

I realize that the chances of a fillibuster actually succeeding are practically nil, but at the very least make some noise. Stand with Senator Kerry and at least say that Alito should be fillibustered. The Democratic Senators should not let this nomination get through the Senate with hardly a whimper of protest. At the very least, PLEASE don't vote to confirm Alito, regardless of whatever sweet deals the Republicans might (not that they will) offer you.


Aaron Cooke


Robert Farley said...

Nicely stated.

Anonymous said...

I called Both Cantwell and Murray and neither of them has released a statement on a filibuster even though they are opposed to Alitos nomination. On that note neither has Reid and he is supposed to be leading these spineless bastards.