Now this blog entry looks like the city of Davis. Various versions of this thing are plastered EVERYWHERE. On buildings, as sculptures, on stationary, I think it's even on a water-tower. Personally, I'm surprised that the town is not shaped like the damn thing.

But seriously, that's all irrelevant because I have a fancy modern hybrid bike. I bought it for $60 off of craig's list and it came with two special stickers thrown in for free. One reads, "This Country Needs A Regime Change" and the other reads something along the lines of "Vegetarians of the World Unite." A list of what the bike DID NOT come with is quite extensive. It includes the mandated by city ordinance front light, a bike lock, a comfortable seat, a helmet, fenders for when it gets wet and tires that aren't close to disintegrating into rubbers shavings.

So, today I went to one of Davis' 17 bike shops (yes, a town of 40,000 people needs that many bike shops) and purchased a new "comfy" seat, phancy detachable fenders that I only need to put on when it's the "rainy season" and a snazzy new helmet that's guarenteed to make me look 50% more ridiculous than I look now. Sadly, I was unable to afford a bike seat with what is apparently called the "love groove." Yes, that's a groove in your bike saddle where your nards are supposed to go. I seriously hope I don't get
erectile dysfunction because of my cheapness.

Installing the detachable fenders was pretty easy but putting in the new seat was a real pain in the butt. There's basically this clamp that attaches to the post that comes up out of your bike frame. This clamp also has two connectors that fit around these two rails that connect to the bottom of the bike saddle. It took quite a bit of doing getting the clamp and the two connector assembley between those two rails as the whole thing was a teeny bit wider than the space between the rails on my new saddle. And then, once I did have the assembley between the two rails, I discovered that doing that had compressed the clamp to the point where it no longer easily fit onto the central post. To get the stupid thing on, I basically had to flip my bike upside down and pound the post into the clamp.

But, in the end I got it to work. I can't wait until I have to change the tires. The nice lady that helped me at the bike shop said that I shouldn't bother changing them until I get a flat. Of course, she said I'd probably be experiencing a flat pretty soon, consider that we're about to enter Thorn Season. Yes, Davis has a THORN SEASON!! What next, Acne Season? Motion Sickness Season? Mildly Annoying Itch Season?

But anyhow, my bike is all decked out now. All that needs to be done is to remove those fracking stickers. Either that or spell out something snarky by blacking out all but certain choice letters. Perhaps, "OLD TIMEY BIKES SUCK."
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