
This Weekend

Scottland was here this weekend, and left for the airport about an hour and a half ago. It was a good weekend, all in all. We went to San Francisco on Saturday and I'll put up a post about that trip once he uploads the pictures from his digital camera. In the meantime, here's a couple of interesting tidbits for your enjoyment.

This is the Davis Wiki. It's basically an open source encyclopedia about Davis. It's been a very useful resource for me in the last week, as it's helped me figure out where a lot of stuff in town is. I'll probably highlight interesting portions of it from time to time.

Bob recently posted a link on his BLOG to the following short movie. It's a recruitment video for the Japanese Navy and is 100% hilarious. Don't bother to download the japanese language enhancement unless you care about being able to read japanese characters.

Thirdly, this is a website that is used to archive pictures from the SOHO and other solar observatories. In particular, this is a movie of a rather recent solar x-ray burst that occured on September 1st. It's interesting to watch.

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